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How to Participate on the DeCommas X The Rollup Campaign
May 19, 2023

How to Participate on the DeCommas X The Rollup Campaign

We have partnered with The Rollup for a joint campaign aimed at promoting knowledge about defi. By participating in some enjoyable Zealy activities, you become eligible for USDC rewards. To be eligible for a 20 USDC reward, you need to complete quests in the “DeCommas x The Rollup” category on Zealy’s questboard, as well as complete the same quests on The Rollup’s “DeCommas collab!” questboard. You have until May 31st to finish these quests.

To learn more about participating, refer to the following guide.

  1. Visit DeCommas` Zealy questboard and find the “DeCommas x The Rollup” category.

  1. Connect your wallet and start by completing these quests one by one. We will guide you through the more complex ones.

The Rollup Newsletter Quest


Subscribe to The Rollup newsletter


Submit a screenshot with proofs . This quest is for manual review, so it can take up to 3 days.

The Rollup Quests

  1. Go to The Rollup questboard and find “DeCommas collab!” category.
  2. Start completing social quests and others as well.

Portfolio Quest


  1. Connect your wallet to

  1. Make a screenshot of your Portfolio.\
  2. Post a screenshot on Twitter and write about your experience while using it.

  1. Don’t forget to mention @decommas & @therollupco.

Submit a link to your tweet. This quest is about manual review, so it can take up to 3 days.

Swap on DeCommas’ App Quest


Swap any asset in total amount higher than $5 on

Make swaps from 5/16 to 5/31.


Submit link to your TXid

  1. Go to

  1. Connect your wallet.

    1. Select from what chain and what asset you want to swap.\

 2) Select the destination chain and asset.
3) Select the amount to swap (be sure that overall price of assets are higher than $5 to be eligible for quest completion).

  1. Select route.

  1. Click Swap.

  1. Set allowance and proceed the swap transaction.

  1. Copy the TXid of your swap transaction and submit it on Zealy.


Once you have completed all of the quests on both DeCommas and The Rollup sides, make sure to check their social media accounts like Twitter for the announcement of USDC reward ndistribution. Then you can check your wallet to confirm eligibility. If you have completed the quests earlier, you can also participate in other enjoyable activities with USDC rewards, such as the #Pathfinder campaign. For more information, refer to this tweet, and stay tuned for further updates.